FAQ Penile Implant
All the questions about penile implants you can ask, answered by specialist doctors and nurses. There is a lot to learn about the penile implant procedure, so let’s get started!
Frequently Asked Questions about Erectile Dysfunction, answered by the Experts
Does Insurance cover penile implant?

Can I have an orgasm with a penile implant?
You should be able to have an orgasm with a penile implant, if you were able to have one before the implant.1 Consult your doctor or nurse about your expected outcome.
What is the recovery time?
Everyone is different and recovery time varies. However, the recovery time is typically between 6 weeks until you can resume sexual activity.2 Your doctor or nurse will determine what you can and can’t do during this time. It is important to follow all recommendations from your health care professionals for the best outcome.
Will I lose any length after getting a penile implant?
Each penile implant is custom-fitted to your anatomy, and the implant itself, does not lead to a loss in size. Depending on your medical history, changes in anatomy or atrophy can cause loss of penile length before the implant, and it may not be unusual to lose 1-2 centimeters from your original erect length.3
Will anyone notice I have an implant?
The implant is completely placed inside your body. The Titan® inflatable penile implant is not visibly noticeable. The penis appears relaxed and normal when in the flaccid state3, and it is not obvious by looking at a man, that he has an implant. The Genesis® flexible rod implant stays firm all the time and it may “show” through clothes. It is necessary to move your penis in to a position that is comfortable and easier to conceal.
How long does the penile implant last?
A study showed that 60% of initial implants would survive 15 or more years without revision or removal.4
Will I be able to have spontaneous erections with a penile implant?
Both the Titan and the Genesis® give you the ability to have an erection instantly and more spontaneously, any time you want one.5-6 However, the implant surgery makes it impossible to ever have a “latent” or natural erection that is not dependent on the device. Therefore, you should consider carefully whether or not an implant is the right choice for you.
What is the difference between the Genesis and the Titan implants?
Both help give you the ability to have an erection satisfactory for intercourse. The main difference is that the Genesis® is a flexible (malleable) implant that consists of two firm but bendable rods placed inside the shaft of the penis (into the corpora cavernosa). There are no other parts to this implant. To have an erection, you simply hold the penis and move it into the desired position for penetration. When finished, you return the penis to its tucked-down position. With the Titan, you inflate the cylinders by squeezing the pump in your scrotum and deflate by pressing the release valve to return the fluid from the cylinders
into the reservoir.
Learn about Guy’s story. A great way to learn how getting an implant might change your life is from men who have been there. From the misconceptions they had when they were in your shoes, to the unexpected benefits they could never have guessed. There’s nothing like hearing real talk from real guys to bring the impact of an implant into perspective.